What’s Next? Rethinking My Writing Strategies

man holding pen pointing on calendar
Starting next week, you’re going to see something different on here, something I hope you’ll enjoy and will provide you with more creative opportunities. With as busy as we all are these days, the constant barrage of bad news, and the roller coaster of life in general, I think we can all use a little more fun and creativity. That’s my goal, anyway.

In the past, I wrote about specific topics, sometimes extending them into a series. Going forward, my plan is to post shorter content, but with posts several days a week rather than random intervals as I finish a longer piece. My hope is that these shorter posts will make it easier for you to read and apply them. Short and sweet, right? While I enjoy writing the longer form posts (my academic background gets me every time!), I know this can make it more difficult to pull out a few quick tips you can use on a day-to-day basis. While I’ll still do a longer piece occasionally, my plan going forward is to help you add creative moments every day through short, easy to read ideas.

The plan is to post three times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. While I’ll tell you now that this might not always happen, I will do my best to maintain a pretty regular schedule unless something weird comes up. By utilizing a regular schedule with shorter posts, I hope to help you pick out one or two small ways you can add some inspiration and fun to your day.



MOTIVATION MONDAY – There’s a good reason why the #MotivationMonday hashtag has become popular on social media. For most of us, Monday is the start of the week, the day we have to get back to a regular work or school schedule. And frankly, Monday is tough for a lot of us. After a weekend of doing things on our time and fun activities, it’s hard  to get back into a schedule. Motivation Monday posts will highlight things that will hopefully give you a little jump start. Whether it’s writing, music, quotes, or fun stories, I’ll use my Monday posts to give you a few creative ideas to help get the week off to a good start.


WRITING WEDNESDAY – Since I am now working on the second draft of my novel, I want to share some things about my creative process, as well as how other writers live their lives. The goal isn’t to just tell you about my work; it’s about helping you find your own creative moments. Some posts will be about my own work. However, there will be plenty of insights from other creative people who have been doing this a lot longer than me. You might not be a writer, but you might want to help your child read a new book. You might not be a painter, but you might want to go to a museum and better appreciate the work that goes into a painting. My hope is you’ll be able to incorporate ideas to help develop your own creative process, however that might look in your life.


FRIDAY FREE-FOR-ALL – Just as Monday is the start of the work and school week, Friday signals the start of the weekend. Friday’s posts will be sort of a show-and-tell, if you remember those days from elementary school. These posts will be about random topics – special events, photography, current events, education…whatever strikes me that week as something fun and creative.  (There will probably be regular mentions of my cat and sports teams, so be forewarned.) The goal for these posts is to show you how to find a creative moments in everyday life. The simplest of things can spark creativity and fun if you take time to notice.

person using MacBook Pro

Now it’s your turn. As I start on this new posting strategy, I’d love to know what topics you’d like to see more about. What motivates you as you start your work or school week? How do you find fun and inspiration in everyday life, even in the littlest of things? How do you find gratitude in little things around you? What types of stories to you like to see on the news or social media? Let me know what you want to see!


Reignite your creativity!

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Author: Melanie Glinsmann

I am a writer, business professional, and former teacher. I am working on finishing my first novel, along with a creative non-fiction project. I blog about my writing journey, observations of office life, and my passion for helping creative people maintain their creative goals while working in the business world.

2 thoughts on “What’s Next? Rethinking My Writing Strategies

  1. Great strategy!!! A simple thing that can make my day is ensuring that I see the sun during the day and moon at night. Catching them in the sky together lifts my spirits. I’ve also found that starting my day with a declaration or affirmation sets a good note/pace. I enjoy all different facets of creativity and learning about the process of others.

    1. I definitely agree with you, Joanna. Seeing the sun, moon, really anything nature related can be a huge boost to the mindset. It’s nice to take a few minutes in the morning to let the morning sun soak in, or sit in the quiet at night. I’m a big fan of taking time in nature, even if it’s just a quick walk around the block to listen to the birds or watch a squirrel playing in a tree.

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